Art of ki


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Art of Ki

Ki is not really defined in English, but, is the Romanized term of "vital energy." Another way to say that is, body heat through respiration. In English, you would spell it, chi, but, in Japan, it is ki.

Science can only know so much about this, but, human bodies are so much more advanced than some technology, they are the only true way to understand a way of discovering life.

Close to about 10,000 years ago, man started to think what purpose is there to life, and, how can we achieve it. He had to think, that, there was more than the food he ate and the air he breathed, that, there was more behind that. He thought that, deep in the sky of the Heavens, was his creator that, had started it all.

After searching and praying to his creator, more and more answers became clear, and he started to understand his reality, and behind everything that he had done. As time went, more questions were answered. This would soon to grow to be going on to generations that would continue to have more practices like this, and, more answers would come.

As time went, more and more mastered the way of ki, and, would continue to grow, only to teach and pass it on to other students. Some students would become so loyal, that; they would take the place of their masters, and, teach others the way of ki. More and more generations got more answers and practiced much more.

Not until about, close to, 50 years ago, that, this practice was shown to others around the world. It became to show up more outside of Asia, where, some have said it has healed their lives. However, that is only, the very first level of this teaching.

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