Art of Ki Lesson 3 - Energy's Origin The ki that is made within us was started and given to us by our own creator, whoever that may be in your case. Biology says that the respiration system creates the necessary energy to go through our daily lives. When you eat and breathe everything around you, that food and oxygen is being transformed into energy. You may think why some people have more energy than some other people. Exercise it the main answer to this, but what is it that makes the exercise create the energy? Oxygen is being brought into the body, and, oxygen is created into energy. Think of it like an infant. During this time, our bodies are rapidly growing, thus, the oxygen being made into energy. This is the time of our life that we need energy the most. When an infant breathes, it breathes through the nose, and, the lungs appear to not move, because, the stomach moves, instead of the chest. The breath is released by without sound and very slowly. This is a way to breath correctly, and, is comfortable when doing it. On this lesson, it will be about the energy that moves through out the environment. It's not the environment like in Earth Science, or Biology or Ecology. It is like the personal surroundings of us like in our homes or school or wherever you live. It is about Thermodynamics. I didn't learn this in school. I've learned this from my ki teacher.