Art of ki lesson 4


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Art of Ki

Lesson 4 - Practice Sesson #1

Thermodynamics is about the study of heat, and since living beings energy is understood as being body heat, I will try and explain how it moves and goes around in our environment. If you are confused, try putting a warm cup of water next to cold cup water. Think of the warm water as the ki/environment and the cold water as a normal person. When those two are put together, the heat absorbs into the cold water, making them both warm. Over time, when placed side by side, they will reach an average temperature between the two. If you say that the warm cup is 80 degrees F., and the cold cup is 40 degrees F., then, if you set them together in a room, for about 30 minutes, the cups would be close to about 60 degrees F. If you are still confused, read on in the next paragraph.

If you happen to do this, it can be very helpful or very harmful. When someone is sick and they are at the hospital, for example, a nurse/doctor/care taker for that person is sick will loose some energy due to the helpers being healthy and much higher in level than that of the patient.

This is just like a young person with an old with an old person. A young person is taking the energy from the environment because of he/she is growing. The older person is getting energy taken from them and that is being placed in the young person. Mostly, it depends on what is going on and where it is.

You can see animals do this constantly. House pets, for example, two Chinese pugs, one young and one old. Now, the younger dog always sits or lies down in a position that gives them a direct opening of transfer and steals energy from the older dog. Mostly, these are the back of the heads or lower back. It's there, because constant energy is being flowed around. This is mostly why people have bad backs.

This is something you SHOULD NOT do. In China, one time, a group of men who studied this art of ki to do their own good. The Chinese Government banned them because they knew they were stealing energy to make themselves better, when in fact, it made them worse.

This is the End!