Art of ki Lesson 1


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Art of Ki

Lesson 1 - Basis

Ki is a way of doing a variety of stances, ways of breathing correctly, and, focusing very closely. When you have studied, and, perfected the art of ki, it will stay with you your whole life. When you begin teaching yourself these ways of ki, you will begin to either become skeptical or believe what you hear. How you choose it begins your cycle of the learning process. Many skeptical people have gone down the wrong road, and, study it the wrong way.

When you have developed the levels of ki, a disciple will become stronger as if you were an Empire State Building, compressed in a small house. That person will become more solid and stronger than most people would think. Think of a small boy on steroids. That person would be able to go along longer and be much better in the activities than most other people would think he would be in, in the time that the others have done the event with them.

A person that (for example) be 5 foot 10 inches, and, their weight would be around 150 lbs, could actually be 240 lbs. The mass is much larger than the volume of it. By experimentation, scientists have figured out, the bones have weighed about three times that of a normal person's bones.

This is the End!