Art of ki lesson 5


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Art of Ki

Lesson 5 - Practice Sesson #2

This lesson is about the basic things needed to be done for practicing.

A. Preparation
Before practicing, go to the bathroom if neededand wear comfortable clothing.

B. Method
1. Posture: Stand with your feet shoulder width apartand knees slightly bent, while the crotch slightly is rounded. Hold the arms at shoulder height and rounded, as if hugging a big tree. The palms of the hands should face your body, so that the ki can return to your body. The back should be naturally straight and shoulders relaxed. Face south when practicing.

2. Breathing: Do not intentionally use the nose, mouth or stomach to breathe. Close the mouth with the tongue touching the roof, and simply forget the breath and concentrate on your Dantien. In this manner, potential problems associated with improper breathing can be avoided.

3. Thinking: Here the Dantien is also known as the "middle one", and refers to an area two to three inches below the belly button. First lead the ki from your head to your feet, and at the same time relax your whole body. Close your eyes light and close your ears, then lead your intention to the Dantien. This is called "going into quiet." It is difficult or impossible to go into quiet when you begin practicing wuji. At first, it may seem as if your mind is fool of thoughts. To tame this and stay in quiet, you can repeat "quiet" or "concentrate on Dantien" to yourself. Many different sensations will appear during practice. Do not allow the mind to be distracted by these. Once you can go into and stay in the quiet stage, time will go very fast. You can remain in the quiet stage for 30 - 60 minutes, depending upon your physical condition. It is helpful to set an alarm clock to prevent the distraction of concern with time. Please make sure the alarm is not loud enough to surprise you.

C. Finishing Exercises
1. For men, place the hands at the bottom of the Dantien and make 36 circles, going up the left side and down the right side. (For women, the direction should be reversed.) The circles should grow larger with each rotation. After 36 rotations, reverse the directions and make 24 smaller circles, returning to the Dantien. The purpose is to disperse the ki concentrated in the Dantien and prevent stagnation, and then to return the energy to your body.

2. Rub your hands until they are warm, and massage the arms moving down the outside and up the inside to the armpit. The purpose is also to disperse any concentrated ki. The arms may grow tired when holding the meditation posture. It is OK to lower the arms for awhile. Then, return the arms to the original position.

3. Massage your face and head. The hand movement should begin on the cheeks, moving up the side of the face and then down over the center of the head and face.

4. Massage the kidneys. The hand movement should move downard to warm and stimulate the kidneys.

D. Cautions
1. If you feel tired or dizzy, it may be because you practice too much. Reduce the length of your practice, and increase slowly.

2. You may feel pain in areas that have been injured previously. It is the time of the ki overcoming the disease. This type of pain will disappear later.

3. It is advised to not use the mind to force the ki to circulate in the body. Allow progress to occur naturally - do not try to hurry the results. This is a safe way to do ki practice.

4. Do not practice if the following applies:

1a. If you are too emotional (happy, sad, worried, etc.)

2a. If you are physically exhausted and tired.

3a. If you have a cold or other illness. It is believed that the meditation can drive the cold deeper into your body, making it more difficult to get rid of.

4a. Men should not practice 2-3 days after ejaculating semen. It is advised that women do not practice during menstrual periods.

5a. If you are shocked and surprised by a sudden interruption while practicing. Take a break for several days to allow the internal energy to calm. You may not be able to immediately concentrate the scattered energy.

6a. If you are too hungry or too full. Good times are 1-1/2 hours after a meal, or 1 hour before a meal.

This is the End!